New Non-Ferrous Scales Customer Process

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This document details the new rules and procedures EMR has set in place to protect both you, the customer, and EMR staff and to minimise the risk of spreading Coronavirus(COVID-19).

Our new rules are designed to keep everyone on site safely segregated in order to eliminate and/or minimise the risks to an acceptable level. Therefore the following key points must be strictly adhered to. Any non-compliance will be taken seriously and you will be asked to leave the site.

When you visit an EMR site please;

1) Follow the self-isolation guidance issued by the Government. Do not attend site if you or someone you live with displays symptoms i.e. a new continuous cough and/or a high temperature.

2) You will be required to provide your own PPE. Access will not be permitted without it. We can not issue PPE on site due to the COVID-19 transfer risk and potential cross contamination. The PPE requirement for the Non Ferrous yard is a hard hat and hi-vis vest or jacket.

3) You will be expected to stay in your vehicle as much as possible. At some sites there may be an EMR Marshall to greet and guide you. They will stay at least 2 meters away from you and your vehicle at all times.

4) When outside of your vehicle you will need to follow all signage, markings and barriers on site.

5) Where possible, scales, bins and cabins will be barriered off to physically separate customers and EMR staff. Please stay within the barrier zones.

6) Where barriers are not in place, you and EMR staff must maintain a minimum distance of 2 metres apart at all times.

7) You must load your material into the designated area yourself. EMR staff will not handle material unless they have safety concerns. In that instance a risk assessment and controls will be put in place. EMR staff will not handle customer material by hand to reduce the risk of COVID-19 contamination.

8) Catalytic converters will not be accepted on site at this time due to the manual handling process required to correctly grade them.

9) No cleaning of metal is allowed on site during this time.

10) The physical transfer of paperwork will not be allowed. Please call the phone number indicated at the weighbridge for instructions on how to process your payment.

If any of the above rules are breached EMR will Stop Work and ask you to leave the site.

Thank you for your cooperation with these site rules and procedures. We look forward to welcoming you back to EMR.